LifeCasting Your Baby’s Hands and Feet. You Can Never Go Wrong!

Here are some common reasons why people don’t get their keepsakes made, and how we are helping them see another perspective.
The decisions we make in life give us direction. Sometimes our decisions are the right ones, and sometimes we live with regret. There are times that we can rectify our wrong decisions and unfortunately, there are just sometimes that we can’t.
Having been in the LifeCast industry for almost two decades, we’ve lost count as to how many times we’ve heard things like, “I wish I had done….” or “I didn’t realize at the time….” or “I was on a fixed income on maternity leave and wasn’t able to get what I wanted” or “I meant to book an appointment and kept forgetting and now my child is too big!”
To begin, I would like to reiterate that children are never too big for our keepsakes. We do have some age restrictions for certain types of keepsakes, but there truly are options for all ages. It’s just about finding what’s right for you and your family.
Second, we at WP Creations are very aware of the value of a dollar. We do understand how hard people are working for their money and life isn’t easy sometimes. We do appreciate that there are people who really are struggling financially and are having a hard time putting food on the table. We really do understand that.
However, to those who can purchase a product and want to purchase a product, but are hesitant to do so because of the price, let’s discuss that. We’re in the business of the future. We have been in business since 2001, so we have been able to see the impact on families our products and keepsakes have made years after completion.
We have also seen many people with regrets, and we would like to avoid that, if possible.
Everyone is entitled to spend their money as they see fit. If we think about how much we spend on novelty items, such as cups of coffee, gigantic cell phone bills, dinners out, or going out to the ever expensive movie theatre, are we looking back and saying to ourselves, I really am so glad I spent all that money on coffee, a memory I’ll treasure always? Or are we more likely to appreciate sacrificing one area for a while, so that we can spend a little extra on something we will have forever?
Can you imagine looking back at those tiny feet, those curled up toes and those teeny nails, or perhaps those tiny fingers that wrapped around yours? Those hands that used to caress your face. Can you imagine having a tangible, real-life memory of that?
WP Creations has an incredible line of products all at various price points. Our raised impressions start at $30, but of course, we encourage framing them to keep them safe and secure for years to come. Framing is a higher charge, a one-time fee, but again these are things that you will never regret.
In summary, think about what moments you wish you could capture right now. Think about what a beautiful investment that is and how grateful you’ll be down the road that you made the decision to have a keepsake made of your loved one.
We promise it’s something you’ll forever be grateful you did!