My Family Matters’- 3 Things I Like About Going Back to School

Going back to school is always a time of mixed feelings, for everyone in our home. As a mother, I know I’ll miss them when they are gone, but I also appreciate the quiet. I’m nervous when they are away from me, and yet proud to know they will be faced with new experiences that will help them grow.
Lastly, it’s another year of them growing up far too quickly. The days are long sometimes, but the years are short, as they say. When you are in the thick of it, sometimes it is hard to recognize how precious the small moment are. As the owner of a company that specializes in capturing life’s little moments, believe me when I say, enjoy your little ones as they too will quickly be entering new chapters of their little lives.
In celebration of back to school, I asked my kids what their 3 favourite things about going back were. I look forward to hearing what they have to say next year and the year after that!
- “To see my friends because I haven’t seen them in a long time”
- “Playing on the junior play structure because only grade 4s and up are allowed it”
- “I got to meet my teacher and she’s nice”
- “Gym class because I run around a lot”
- “Recess because I run around a lot”
- “Lunch because I’m always hungry”
- “I liked seeing my friends because I hadn’t seen them in a while”
- “Playing Beyblades because it’s fun and we get to burst Beyblades
- “I liked running around because I liked running because it’s fun and it makes me tired and I like getting tired”