My Kids’ Matters: Who We Are – 3 Reasons Why People Like Me

Children are honest and speak from the heart. The questions you ask them tell a story worth hearing.
Watching kids grow and their personalities develop is sometimes so humbling. When they’re just babies, we envision what they’ll look like as they get older, what their voices will sound like, what kinds of conversations they’ll have with their friends. We think about what their likes and dislikes will be and what their overall personalities will be.
Does nature or nurture play a bigger role?
Who knows! But one thing is for sure, they are who they are and they like what they like.
My three children answered the following….
Who I am – 3 Reasons Why People Like Me
Caleb – 6 Years Old
“Since I play soccer with them”
“I just be funny sometimes when like outside on the placard” (French Term)
“I help in gym with their skipping, jogging and their galloping and walking”
Chloe – 8 Years Old
“I’m very caring by helping mama with dishwasher”
“People like me when I’m funny when I make funny faces”
“People like me because I help people when they are hurt”
Chase – 11 Years Old
“Some people like me because they think I’m interesting”
“Many friends like me because they think I’m a good sport”
“Certain people like me because I’m like a monitor when it comes to injuries on the play yard”