Rachel’s journey to becoming a WP Creations Franchisee

Both my boys have had keepsakes made with WP Creations. When I had my second son in 2018, I took him to the Airdrie location to get his castings done. At the time the location was up for sale and I was extremely interested in purchasing it but unfortunately didn’t have the funds. By the time my second child came around I had figured out that I wanted to stay at home with my son and not miss those precious moments that I did with my first son. So, I continued looking for something that would allow me that opportunity.
I started a sleep consulting business, but Calgary and Airdrie already had so many that are reputable that I didn’t think it would be a profitable avenue for me at the time. I decided to reach out to Jamie at head office again in January 2019 to inquire about the business as to whether or not the Airdrie location was still available. And, it was!
At this time, I was back to work full time and was really missing my boys. Instead of moving ahead I thought I would focus, instead, on what I had already started with the sleep consulting business to see if I could make that more profitable.
I was working in the corporate world as an office manager which can be very demanding. I was putting extra hours in on top of that to get my sleep consulting business off the ground and unfortunately it just wasn’t happening.
In January of 2020 my 11 year old received his Autism diagnosis. We had always known there was something going on but never really understood the magnitude of his condition until we received the proper assessment.
At that point it was a no brainer, I knew I had to make a change and make it instantly. Not only so I can be home to watch my little man grow up but so I could be home to help my oldest son with any assistance or attention he needed.
I reached out to Jamie again and got the ball rolling and signed the papers almost immediately.
I had my training scheduled at Head office for March 28, 2020 and then of course, the Corona virus affected the entire world and an in person appointment was no longer feasable.
Not wanting to wait any longer, seeing as I had already put it off almost two years to start the process, I was offered the opportunity to be WP Creations’ very first Virtual Trainee.
I loved that experience. If I couldn’t be there in person this was definitely the next best thing. I was able to get real hands-on training, face to face virtually and it gave me the opportunity to think a little more about the process while learning which helped me retain it better this way.
I opened my doors in the middle of April. With my determination to get this business going, I am sure I will one day be able to quit my fulltime job and be able to stay home with my boys!
I started with virtual appointments to be able to direct them on whichever process was required for whichever product they purchased. As time went on and restrictions were lifted I was then able to start doing garage appointments. Garage appointments are appointments where a client is able to book an in person appointment, however because there is no contact the client still has a big part in the process. I am there to direct in person.
Because of what I learned through my virtual training I am also able to provide out of town orders. I have been very fortunate to join the business at the time I did. While I am not at the point where I can stay at home yet, I feel it is not far out of reach.
We live in a completely different world now, where virtual is the new “normal” and because of this, I was one of the first trained to adapt to this new normal within the company and this amazing way of doing business. We get to guide our clients to create this beautiful one of a kind keepsake and make time stand still, even during a global pandemic.
When I open the casts, or raised impressions that my clients did it makes me emotional to see that I am a part of such an amazing opportunity to create this precious keepsake. I am so blessed to be a part of a team that was able to pivot in such a trying time. The support, and training I have received has been incredible. Whenever I have a question (and I have a lot) the team is here to help!
I know they say this is a business for a small pocket in time, but not for me. This is something I love and am passionate about. When I work on the casts or impressions it is therapeutic to me. This is the first time in my life I enjoy doing something this much. My only regret so far is, I wish I would have started this journey sooner.
Thank you WP Creations for this amazing opportunity,
Rachel Seabrook
Airdrie WP Creations.