Shadow Box Gift Ideas

Since 2001 WP Creations has been creating one-of-a-kind keepsakes of baby and children’s precious hands and feet. Capturing the feel of those precious lines and wrinkles help preserve memories of when children were young.
Our 3d LifeCasts became increasingly popular several years ago with our shadow boxes being the most adored. When you have a 3D lifecast made, a mold is taken. Lines, wrinkles, nails and mannerisms are captured in a way like no other, sometimes accompanied with a beautiful photo, in a high quality wood frame, our shadowboxes give you the opportunity to hang protected molds beautifully on your wall. Your shadowboxes will become the one material thing that ends up meaning the most to you. It is a keepsake that, from the moment you leave the appointment, already honours the past.
Visitors will come to your home and admire your shadowbox. You will hear what we at WP Creations hear, “I wish I had done that when my kids were little” and in that moment, you will realize just how lucky you are.
So if they are this precious, why do some families not have them created?
The top four reasons are:
- “My baby wiggles and won’t stay still” – Ironically, we actually need them to move for part of the process and we will distract them for a few seconds when the material starts to set.
- “It’s too expensive” – our molding materials are fragrance free and dye free and have been custom made to allow for a quick setting which makes for a speedy process. Our frames are solid, good quality wood with all acid free materials on the inside of your frame so that your pieces won’t yellow or deteriorate over time. Our artists put time, energy and passion into hand making shadowboxes, and the cost of our shadowboxes is a direct reflection of all of this combined.
- “My baby is or is not on a schedule and I don’t have time” – We really do understand how difficult it can be to carve out time for yourself, to pack up baby (and possibly older siblings), we, as fellow moms, do realize it’s not always easy. Which is why our artists go above and beyond to make our home studios a warm, welcoming and comfortable environment for you and your baby. It can be a chance to have some adult conversation, to get some fresh air and to create a new bonding experience with baby. It will be something you look back on and know that despite the possible inconvenience, it will have been worth it a million times over.
- “My baby is too old” – Our company has casted the hands of clients in their 80s. There is never a “perfect” time as we have products for all ages. That said, babies under 12 months are the most common. We have also made sibling frames or frames for older children for families who hadn’t heard about us when their children were babies, or when they had their first.
Different options for your reference
0-12 months: There are so many reasons to purchase a shadowbox. Not only do they make great keepsakes for parents when their babies are born, but they are also a way to capture a memory of a time that will go by too quickly.
1 year: Very nice to have as a way to commemorate baby’s first steps.
Kindegarden: Perhaps you take a lifecast of your kindergatener’s hand around the time you send him or her off into the world to spend their days in the care of others.
Siblings: A shadowbox with the hands of each of your children, all different sizes, each with their own unique personality. Your heart grows with each child, and what a beautiful way of encapsulating your whole heart.
Gifts: A grandparent might love a shadowbox as a gift, or a Godparent or aunt, uncle or any loved one. Our shadowboxes are a truly unique gift idea for those that are looking for a one of a kind and personalized gift option.
Whatever the reason is, you need one!
There are a variety of frame sizes, styles and classic colour options at varying price points. They really are something to see in person. As a parent we all know how quickly our kids grow up. There really is no perfect time, but there is a right time, and that time is now.