Working from Home – Glenell’s Story

When asked why most of us become franchisees, our answers are pretty standard. We love being able to have a flexible schedule and to stay at home with our kids, we enjoy creating keepsakes and we want to help our family financially. And while all of these reasons are truer than true, sometimes there is much more to this decision. We interviewed one of our newest franchisees, Glenell, owner of Bruce County WP Creations and dove into her “why?” Here is what she had to say.
“I am an electrician by trade having been working in the oil fields in Alberta. When my husband and I had kids, we agreed we couldn’t maintain the same lifestyle. We had our daughter and I agreed to stay home while he continued to work. As I am a very hands on person, with a passion for work, staying at home was very difficult for me.
We ended up moving to Bruce County after our 2nd child was born. Being aware of the WP Creationsopportunity through a friend of mine, I also saw the potential this opportunity had in being able to introduce something unknown to this smaller community, coming from a more progressive city. The idea of owning a franchise sparked interest and so I looked further into it. I inquired with Jamie, the President, and CEO of the company and from there I began the process of learning more. Going back to electrical didn’t make sense anymore, for me and my family, and as I continued to delve into this opportunity the pieces started to fall into place and it just made so much sense. The more I learned, the more I loved and the more I could get behind it. I find the support system to be great and you definitely get out of it what you put into it. I am still able to work with my hands and get creative. I even still get to use tools! It is an outlet that allows me to be busy and passionate about something for me, something outside of being a mom. It is something I need. Being new to the community of Bruce county, it will give me the opportunity to meet new people, more moms, and not just for the sake of my own kids. I look forward to being able to integrate into the community in different ways, to build relationships and new friendships and have something satisfying at the end of the day. I am also excited about being my own boss, I am drawn to the business side of it all, becoming an entrepreneur, and feeling empowered. I love that I get to see the end result of a product and that I am the one to see it to the end.”
Glenell’s story is one of many. Everyone on our team has one. What is your story?