Working from Home – Laura’s Journey

There is a meme going around Facebook these days and it says, “People expect women to work like they don’t have kids and raise kids as if they don’t work” or something to that effect. There is a struggle to find balance for many mothers trying to find what works for them and their families. It is very easy to get pulled one way or the other and unfortunately, for the most part, it’s the moms who are the ones who carry this burden.
This is one of the many reasons there is something really special about working from home. It is a blessing many people have and many more wish they could have. And what’s more is that working from home gives me the opportunity to organize my schedule to not only be able to be home with my kids but spread my wings into the community.
Along with owning the WP Creations franchise in Windsor Nova Scotia, I have accepted a new part time position as Family Literary Facilitator with The Windsor Nursery School a local non-profit parent cooperative, running an evening workshop once a week. These workshops focus on fun ways to encourage children with learning at home (especially reading, writing, and math) and making parents more comfortable in supporting them. The school is funded and run by the parents of the children who attend and classes are for 3 and 4 year olds preparing for school. I became involved this year when my youngest son Nate started attending.
I am also on the board of our local nursery school and family resource centre, as well as with the Hants Learning Network Association before being hired as an employee. The Family Resource Centre of West Hants has been my sanity for the last six years. It is one of the first places I went with my newborn when we moved here 6 years ago and where I met most of my current group of friends. I have seen it through many changes and last year joined the board to help see it through many more.
I also joined The Hants Learning Network Association last year, it is a not for profit that has been providing free classes, tutoring, and support to adult learners in our community for 25 years. Adult learning is close to my heart because I achieved my high school diploma through the GED certificate program after an illness interrupted my studies the traditional way. I have been attending the program I will be facilitating for years. I love seeing children enjoy learning and can’t wait to be the one leading that.
And last (for the time being anyway!) Movies in the Park came about from a simple question posted online to a group called The Happy Community Project. They have been doing great things here in our community and the movies would not have started without their support. We are now our own not for profit with strong ties to the town and community. We have completed two seasons and are currently planning our third. We have people who would otherwise be unable to attend movies who get the amazing experience of viewing them out doors. We have tourists attend, newcomers and entire families. Everyone sits side by side and has the wonderful opportunity to get to know their neighbours. It is definitely a lot of work to organize and put together, but it is so rewarding.
I love the opportunity to give back to my community. I love that I have the time to do all these things and be home for all the important moments with my children. I love being able to contribute to the family income and still run my home in a way that makes sense for us. I am able to do more than just one thing, use my brain in different ways, meet all kinds of wonderful people and really make a difference in the lives of my children, the families in the community and of course, myself.
All these things have happened since becoming a franchisee and are only possible in a business like ours. I am grateful to have found my balance.